Ancient bardsNow it is time for you to know about its genesis
Once upon a time, long before Lastworld existed
There was a heavenly place inhabited by the Aeons
Divine entities, eternal yet mortal
At the center of their universe was the White Crystal
The substance and power that constituted all creation
The host of the ever flowing flux of life, the
Nourishment of all things
The Aeons had consecrated their existence to
Meditation, in the pursuit of absolute Wisdom, a
Profound form of awareness thet would allow them
To discover the meaning of their existence and the
Purpose for which the White Stars had created them
Handed down from generation to generation was
Their exhausting practice of devotion to pure
Contemplation, in an attempt to approach the
Vibration of the crystal and become one with it
This was the Chite Crystal World
(Every creature here is connected
Through the crystal life flows)
Every creature here is connected
Through the crystal all is flowing
Through the crystal all is moving
Through the crystal all is growing
Every creature here is connected
Through the crystal all is flowing
Through the crystal all is moving
Through the crystal all is growing
All creation breathes in harmony (harmony)