Inner logic
Bad religionSequestering the blueprints of daily life
Contented, free of care, they rejoice in morning ritual
As they file like drone ant colonies to their office in the sky
I don't ask questions, don't promote demonstrations
Don't look for new consensus, don't stray from constitution
If I pierce the complexity I won't find salvation
Just the bald and over truth of the evil and deception
There is an inner logic
And we're taught to stay far from it
It is simple and elegant
But it's cruel and antithetic
And there's no effort to reveal it!
Graduated mentors stroll in marbled brick porticos
In sagacious dialog they despise their average ways
Betraying pomp and discipline, they mold their institution
Where they practice exclusion on the masses every day
I don't ask questions, don't promote demonstrations
Don't look for new consensus, don't stray from constitution
If I pierce the complexity I won't find salvation
Just bald and over truth of the evil and deception
There is an inner logic
And we're taught to stay far from it
It is simple and elegant
But it's cruel and antithetic
And there's no effort to reveal it!
Decorated warriors drill harmless kids on pavement
Simulating tyranny under red alert
Protecting the opulent and staging moral standard
They expect redemption of character and self-growth
There is an inner logic (I don't ask questions, don't promote demonstrations)
And we're taught to stay far from it (don't look for new consensus, don't stray from constitution
It is simple and elegant (if I pierce the complexity I won't find salvation)
But it's cruel and antithetic (just bald and over truth of the evil and deception)
There is an inner logic (no equality, no opportunity)
And we're taught to stay far from it (no tolerance for the progressive alternative)
It is simple and elegant (no equality, no opportunity)
But it's cruel and antithetic (no tolerance for the progressive alternative)
And there's no effort to reveal it!
Sequestrando projetos da vida cotidiana
Satisfeitos, sem preocupação, eles se regojizam nos seus rituais matutinos
Enquanto voam como colonias de zangões para chegar aos seus escritórios no céu
Eu não faço perguntas, não promovo demonstrações,
Não busco por um novo consenso, não me desvio da constituição
Se eu furar a complexidade eu não acharei salvação
Só uma verdade calva
Da maldade e decepção
Há uma lógica interna,
E fomos ensinados a ficar longe dela
Ela é simples e elegante
Mas é cruel e anti ética
E não há esforço em revelá-la
Mentores graduados passeiam em pórticos de mármore
Com um discurso sagáz eles despistam seus meios usuais
Mostrando pompa e disciplina, eles moldam sua instituição
Onde praticam a exclusão de massas todo dia
Guerreiros condecorados furam crianças inocentes no asfalto
Simulando tirania sob alerta vermelho
Protegendo a moral rica e festiva pré estabelecida
Eles esperam redenção de caráter e auto crescimento
(sem igualdade, sem oportunidade,
sem tolerância para a alternativa progressista. . .