Reeks of darkened zoopsia
BenightedFeeling insane, out of control
Dreaming of a welcoming coffin
My screams born from your mouth
keep on watching me, keep on watching me
I hate what he is doing to you during
these two hours of nothingness
Reeks of Darkened Zoopsia
I can smell you through my eyes
Your dirty sweat is a blessing to me
Reeks of Darkened Zoopsia
The masquerade is going on, you innocent disposal
All the clowns have stopped laughing
They watch the dead animal's parade
The smiling filthy little beasts
Relaxing and terrifying
They're just still, frozen by absence of life
Creatures of the sewers, slowly returning to dust
The whole scene suddenly fades
To black and comes back again
Shining and painful
My bowels are killing me
burning from inside, close to explode
The sight is disturbing and so obsessive
The masquerade is going on, ravaging you again and again
The clowns are now long gone
On your innocence fall the curtains
Two hours of an unbearable show
Come back to me kitty... Don't leave me alone