Glory to god in the highest
Comunidade católica shalomAnd on Earth, peace to people
Peace to people of good will
Glory to God in the highest
And on Earth, peace to people
Peace to people of good will
We praise You, we bless You
We adore You, we glorify You
We give you thanks for Your great glory
Lord God, heavenly King
Oh, God Almighty Father
Lord Jesus Christ
Only Begotten son
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father
You take away the sins of the world
Oh, have mercy on us
You take away the sins of the world
Oh, receive our prayer
You're seated at the right hand of the Father
Oh, have mercy on us
For You, alone, are the Holy One
You, alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High
Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit
In the glory of God, the Father
Glory to God in the highest
And on Earth, peace to people
Peace to people of good will
Glory to God in the highest
And on Earth, peace to people
Peace to people of good will
Peace to people of good will
Peace to people
Of good will
Mais ouvidas de Comunidade católica shalom
ver todas as músicas- Tesouro e Herança
- Muito Perdoais
- Nossa Oferta de Amor
- Amar Sem Medidas
- Vinde, Adoremos
- Eu Vos Exalto Ó Senhor
- Esposo Ressuscitado
- Glória Ao Rei
- Contigo Vou Cantar
- Ressuscita-me Agora
- Sacia o Meu Coração
- Alegria
- Doce Espírito Santo
- Ruah
- Tendo a Deus Tenho Tudo
- Eis Que Vem
- Carta Ao Amigo
- Seu Sonho
- Eu Te Amo, Ó Mãe
- Sacrifício de Amor