

MephistophelesInvective death, from the hand
To write the book of evil
Terminus of the overture
Recite the role of power

Schizophrenic reflex, vesicate, mutilate
Refuse the force on which you die
Myrmidon of goethe
Abortion of angels that flee for their lives
Animated onslaught, expectorated discharge
Elegy of evil, visions of light for thou has forgotten

Adulating scripture, dominate, terminate
Fascist author of gods
Drubbing of his light fears
Bring forth the atheist, sent to inseminate
Aggravated blasphmere, insurrected one to tell
Power through defile
Mephisto is coming to claim me for hell
Take me mephistopheles

Insurrect the shield of satan
Grant me immortality
To rise

MephistophelesMorte invectiva, da mão
Para escrever o livro do mal
Terminus da abertura
Recite o papel do poder
Reflexo esquizofrênico, vesicar, mut (i?) Final
Recusar-se a força em que você morrer
Myrmidon de Goethe
Aborto de anjos que fugir para salvar suas vidas
Animated onslaugh (t?), Descarga expectorado
Elegy do mal, visões de luz para te esqueceu
Adulating escritura, dominar, rescindir
Fascista autor (?) Dos Deuses
Surra de seus medos luz
Produzi, o ateu, enviou para inseminar
Blasphmere Aggtavated, insurrected um para contar
Poder através defile
Mephisto está vindo para reclamar mme para o inferno
Leve-me Mefistófeles
[Lead - Brian]
Insurrect o escudo de Satanás
Concedei-me a imortalidade
A subir
[Lead - Eric]
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