Colors fade
EnchantGazing at a rainbow, a brilliant vast array
Staggered by it's beauty, saddened by it's modest stay
Taken all for granted or innocence betrayed
A lesson in mortality, eventually, every color fades
The blush of a woman, the wamth of a touch
The novelty of love, feelings within my clutch
I try to savor but it doesn't taste the same
Senses numbed and jaded a little day by day
Gazing at a rainbow, a brilliant vast array
Staggered by it's beauty, saddened by it's modest stay
Taken all for granted or innocence betrayed
A lesson in mortality, eventually, every color...
...fades away slowly but surely as if it were the setting sun
A child comes of age, gains life experience
Time gathers innocence and trades it in for wisdom
Like walking through the snow its purity is stained
Like a shooting star across the sky never meant to remain...
Gazing at a rainbow, a brilliant vast array
Staggered by it's beauty, saddened by it's modest stay
Taken all for granted or innocence betrayed
A lesson in mortality, eventually, every color fades