
More than a feeling

More than a feelingI woke up this morning and the sun was gone
Turned on some music to start my day
I lost myself in a familiar song
Closed my eyes and I slipped away
Ooh, ooh, ooh

(More than a feeling)
(More than a feeling)
Well it's more than a feeling
(More than a feeling)
When I hear that old song they used to play
(More than a feeling)
And I begin dreaming
(More than a feeling)
Till I see Mary Anne walk away

When I'm tired and I think I'm cold
I hide in my music and forget the day
And dream of a girl that I used to know
Close my eyes and she slipped away
Ooh, ooh, ooh

(More than a feeling)
(More than a feeling)
Well it's more than a feeling
(More than a feeling)
When I hear that old song they used to play
(More than a feeling)
And I begin dreaming
(More than a feeling)
Till I see Mary Anne walk away

Well it's more than a feeling
(More than a feeling)
When I hear that old song they used to play
(More than a feeling)
And I begin dreaming
(More than a feeling)
Till I see Mary Anne walk away

Close my eyes and slip away

More than a feeling (tradução)Eu acordei esta manhã e o sol tinha se ido
Ouvi um pouco de música para começar meu dia
Me perdi numa música familiar
Quando fechei os olhos
Mais que um sentimento
Bem, é mais que um sentimento
Quando ouvi aquela música antiga que eles costumavam tocar
Eu comecei a sonhar
Até eu ver Marianne ir embora
Quando estou cansado e penso estar doente
Me escondo em minha música e esqueço o dia
E sonho com uma garota que costumava conhecer
Fecho meus olhos
Mais que um sentimento
Fecho meus olhos
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