
Tanto tempo fa
Un unccello fatale di nome
Incrociò in volo la freccia
Arciere lungo le coste di lava

Per anni, pensando di essere
Inseguita scappò dalla freccia

Chromaggia, Chromaggia
Perché non afronti il pericolo?
La freccia era legata all'ala
E lei volava per liberarsene
"Tirando la freccia altri son ferriti
Per mia colpa, mia colpa"

Giú! Verso la bocca del diavolo
La sua freccia, i miei occhi
Chromaggia, come take these eyes
I would rather be bilnd

Once, a long time ago
Lived a bird, the fatal bird
She flew towards an archer's
Arrow off the Islands of St. Paul

For years, she had run
from the arrow believing that it was
chasing her

Chromaggia, Chromaggia
They asked, "Why not continue to outfly
the danger?" They could not see that
the arrow was tied to her wing. She
flew to untie it, and free them both.
"By dragging the arrow,
Others are wounded by my
carelessness, my carelessness!"
Down! Towards the devil's
mouth! His arrow, my eyes.
Chomaggia, come take these eyes...
I would rather be blind!

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