Twilight portal
AngrenostCold lakes sing serenades to the celestial spheres
Wolves howl their hellhymns to the fullmoon
Dragons unite and twist their tongues
rain sprinkles the cold green fields
Black spells fall through the never ending landscape
Noble Lusitanian North
Thy December Solstice has come
The season of enchatments dwells this land
I can smell the perfume of Death in the air
From frozen realms
Winged beasts fly silently
Through the northern forests
Of this ancient Lusitanian
They bring us His Word
His Inferal Keys
May waterfalls spit blood again
And felonious screams echoes through the skies
May ancient forests endarken again
And chaos nights be my road
To the supreme Evil Pentagram
A new age of evil and frost winds
Shall grow with the mighty winter
The Sun
Dethroned by Winterdemons
My pagan heart
Bleeds inside this endless circle
May waterfalls spit blood again
And felonious screams echoes through the skies
May ancient forests endarken again
And chaos nights be my road
To the supreme Evil Pentagram
A sleeping infernal sing of old
Veiled beyond my scars
Is revealed by the Twilight
TheGates of Inferia are now open
I shall enter this Dreamworld
and burn in eternal tribute
In Eternal Tribute