
Rise up

Keep your eye focused this time, keep us in front of your sights,
I've waited long for this, now it's our time for bliss, I just hope we have the time.
I stand broken, please God hear my cries, he does everytime.

How many times have you watched me fall just to smile,
I've been through thick and thin we've struggled through now we smile,
so we're here now just be ready, brace yourself cause were not leaving.

Keep your eye focused this time, keep us in front of your sights,
I've waited long for this, our time to shine, I just hope we have the time.
I stand broken, please God hear my cries, he does everytime.

Help us get out, help us get out, out into the open,
Help us grow, Rise up rise up. [x4]

I stand broken, please god hear my cries, he does everytime. [x2]

Keep your eye focused this time, keep us in front of your sights,
I've waited long for this, now it's our time for bliss, I just hope we have the time.
I stand broken, please God hear my cries, he does everytime

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