Black helmet
Deadly fateImpaced his parents till the death
They blind him with a knife in fire
Abbandoning his body to the vultures
No chance to escape or survive to avenge
And the gates of hell apears before your eyes
Awaiting the sentence of the gods about your soul
Crying in hate for an unavenged crime!!!
But the gods decide in your favour
He'll back to the life - life!!!
The wished revenge will be conceded
His soul will back to attack!!!
The gave in the name of satan
To complete his paramount revenge
Blood! will be the claimed payment
Souls! will be the reward of conquer
And in vulcanic flames it's forged your weapon
Made from a black steel and hammered by the gods
Tempered with the power from the depths of hell
They give him the black helmet to conquer the world!!!
Hell will claim the price of the pact
And the price is blood and death
Skulls will crumb, fire will burn the skies
And the forces of evel takes the earth