Ad infinitum
ElephasIn the view of the everlasting ether
Callous taskmaster drives our world
Uncaring in its function
The overwhelming force removes all things
From our primitive view of reality
All life ceaces, taken by death in the final hour
The grand varible, the relentless unknown
To contemplate such a query would delve into the realm of
All occurance in question
Destined to conclude
With the entropy of the known
It will drudge forever
In all possible directions
And directions unfound
None spared from the etheral flame
Indescriminate in its nature
The overwhelming force removes all things
From our primitive view of reality
All things melded beyond matter and energy
The grand varible, the relentless unknown
To contemplate such a query would delve into the realm of
A work of law or and exercise in chaos?
Understood only by the bane of existance
Ad infinitum
Ad infinitum
Ad infinitum
Ad infinitum
Ad infinitum
Ad infinitum
Ad infinitum
Ad infinitum