
Watching you

I've been watching you up in the corner
Watching you from down below
I've watching you dance in the shadows
Watching you I'm falling to pieces

And when everything that you do loses beauty
When everything's taboo and unkind
And the only thing you ever dream of is sharpening knives
Sharpening knives

I've been watching you up in the corner
Watching you from down below
I've watching you dance in the darkness
Watching you I'm falling to pieces

And when everything that you do loses beauty
When everything's taboo and unkind
And the only thing you ever dream of is sharpening knives
Sharpening knives

Sharpening knives [x4]

Sharpening knives (I've been watching you...) [x8]

And when everything that you do loses beauty
When everything's taboo and unkind
And the only thing you ever dream of is sharpening knives
Sharpening knives

Sharpening knives (I've been watching you...)
I've been watching you

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