Remember the time
Lucy pearlOn my way to school, looking like a fool, and everybody knew.
But it was alright, cause those friend of mine, knew I had a goodtalk.
They knew I would play, 'become a big star *. I would go sofar!
Remember the time?
When I didn't have a dime.
Remember the time?
When we didn't have a dime?
Going down the street, playing at the mal, on our cheap bikes.
Looking for somebody to steal, somebody to rob and somebody tofight.
I didn't knew my name, as I knew my friends, but I knew we was socool.
Everybody wanted to play, we had no rules. We didn't go toschool.
Remember the time?
When we didn't have a dime.
I remember the time,
When we didn't have a dime.
By the sign I was 14 or 15 trying to pass my drivers-test.
The thing to do was to drive to school, 'cause I didn't have awing for 'best dress''.
I drove back in the car, to snack bars, a young boy's life has nostress.
Watching cartoons. And popping balloons. That was the best.
Remember the time?
When we didn't have a dime.
I remember the time,
When we didn't have a dime.