Pearl evil
NomadRip my cuffs of the slave to shreds and burn a crown of thorns
Fell this cross whom darkness leaves on me and lighten up with endless desire of the life
Wrap me up in the cocoon of the justice
So in my interregnum I'd kill my adversities and stoned my opponents
Surround me in a circle fixtures so I wouldn't walk on my tracks
Undress me from the mortality and take out whole blood from me
Crack my skeleton and grind bones to dust
Burn my brain in the blackest flames of the power and throw my eyes into the abyss of cosmic gulfs
Now roll me into the form of the clean, rosy life
And glue my enlightened thoughts into one ornament of the knowledge
Now mould my steel-like body into a rule and the independence of the existence
Wrap up the philosophical stone in my eyelids let it wait till I see the absolute
I, so conscious, rising from bogs of the oppressed
I, so enlightened, throwing sparks of the vitality
Me, so foretelling my guesses
Me, so unhampered by fear
See and put together my flashes in your black eyelid of imagination and uncover yourself before you, child
Aim with desire and join unity of your will
Mais ouvidas de Nomad
ver todas as músicas- Movimento Interior
- Quatro Letras
- Penso em você
- Sorry Sorry Sayangku
- Tetrawind
- The Quartered Dependence
- Todos os dias
- War In The Name Of Impale
- Nameless Throne
- A Constructive Image
- Pra nunca mais voltar
- Dies Irae
- Tetrafire
- Dirty White Wings
- The Blade Of Inquisition
- The Black Domination
- I - An Alchemist Of My Analysis
- Mercy Is Fear
- The Slept Scream
- Pearl Evil