What's the matter cowardy
President fetchYou're too late again
What's your poor excuse this time?
Is your granny sick?
You don't need to be so sad
You've got lots of choices
Which of these do you prefer:
To be caned black or blue???
chorus: What's the matter cowardy?
You're looking very ill
What's the matter cowardy?
A small fight with Bill?
What's the matter cowardy?
Won't trust you an inch
What's the matter cowardy?
You bet we'll make you clinch
What's the matter cowardy?
Black sheep of the school
Unscrupulous cowardy
Utter lost to shame
Now the little cowardy is running outa school
Where's the little cowardy?
Don't disappoint our desires
What's the matter cowardy?
Too mad? - we'll cool you down
Try to be like an adult
Just sit down and obey
You're just too ingenious
Don't make yourself out to be wiser
Useless lower cowardy
We're tired of your sad face
What's the matter cowardy?
You're looking very ill
What's the matter cowardy?
Beaten up by Bill?
Listen to me cowardy
What I say is true
Stuck-up silly cowardy
We'll cane you black and blue