The wheel of sun
VinterblotFear will strike the hearts of all: The hearts of all both old and young
The fool may be carefree: Unknown to him the troubles upon his masters brow
But death us all will grasp with hand so cold to pull us down
And so the sun is low again: Along horizon a crimson blaze
Soon the dusk us all embrace: The shadows long as life itself
But in the light of moon and stars above be sure yee everyone
Tomorrow new a day will dawn: None stay can the course of the wheel of sun
As sure as it is true once we all shall die: True it is not all men lives
A king shall fall: A child be born: The gods will take and gods will give
Before your time has come: Do climb your mountainside on a morning fair
And smell the fragrance carried by the wind: Let it blow freely through your hair
Damned he who sits still and curse woe the dark but will do not a thing
To light the torch: To shed the light: For him the dark is all within
Slowly across the sky the golden disc of life it tumbles on
The wheel of life and light: Rebirth: The seasons: Behold the wheel of sun